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Old 08-17-2015, 05:14 AM   #1
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Regional Search

I've logged a -lot- of miles over the years, in a lot of areas of the country (I have traveled for work a lot). And, I know that terrain and such can impact mileage of a vehicle. Here in the NorthEast, where it's a bit more hilly than other areas (but not as hilly as some), it impacts the MPG as does having "winter" versus "summer" blended fuel.

I would like to see the ability to execute a regional search when researching vehicles to better understand what people are getting for MPG with a particular vehicle in my area. I don't need to see the owner's of those vehicles, or any specifics on the vehicles themselves. I would just like to see an option to search within my region and have it default to something like "all vehicles of this type within xxx miles". And, maybe there's two options for miles like 250 and 750 or something.

While I'm on the topic of variables for research, how about the ability to search over a period of time? May through September, for example. Or, the last six months? As stated above, winter blend fuels versus summer blend fuels impact mileage - it would be great to see if a particular average was heavily weighted toward a lot of miles in the summer and low miles in the winter, the opposite, or maybe see that they're about equal.

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Old 08-17-2015, 11:49 AM   #2
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Thanks for the suggestions!
I believe we've discussed a way to break the data down by region and to account for multiple variables like you mentioned. We're slowly working our way towards that by asking users for more data at each fillup (tire pressure/fuel brand/location). It's a work in progress so to speak.

You can view all your fuel ups under the graph by clicking the Chart all Fuel Ups link. Then by selecting (click and highlight) you can view your data by a range of months. You can also set up Mini Stats to view your AVG MPG over the last 6 months, etc.
We love stats, and being able to customize them. We're expanding on what Fuelly currently offers and hope to roll out with many more options for our users in the future!

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Old 08-17-2015, 11:56 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by RobertV View Post
Thanks for the suggestions!
I believe we've discussed a way to break the data down by region and to account for multiple variables like you mentioned. We're slowly working our way towards that by asking users for more data at each fillup (tire pressure/fuel brand/location). It's a work in progress so to speak.

You can view all your fuel ups under the graph by clicking the Chart all Fuel Ups link. Then by selecting (click and highlight) you can view your data by a range of months. You can also set up Mini Stats to view your AVG MPG over the last 6 months, etc.
We love stats, and being able to customize them. We're expanding on what Fuelly currently offers and hope to roll out with many more options for our users in the future!
Hmmm... hadn't thought about using the location of the fill-up to determine where the driving is being done, but that would be useful. Location Services would simplify this as people filling up a station not in their hometown wouldn't need to know the ZIP of where they are. And, it could allow for tracking MPG of users while they are on trips and away from their home area.

Quite bluntly, I'm interested in how a vehicle's mileage fares when being driven in my area. If someone takes a cross-country trip, I don't really have an interest in the fact that they got better highway mileage in the flatter, lower altitudes of Florida (for example). I would want those fill-ups discarded for my "regional search".

I'll look at setting up the stats as it seems at least some of what I was interested in is already there. Thanks!
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