I often get requests for link placements, menu ideas to ensure usability. One that is often asked is to put the "View Recent Posts" link on every page.
In the past we did it this way, but our goal is to shy away from being
just a forum and move towards being the
entire package.
So a new feature that I will begin working on soon will be custom favorites. This will be available only to red and blue star members, and will look like this:
close up:
You will be able to add up to four links to your favorites. They can be onsite or offsite. You'll also be able to choose if they open a new browser window or are opened inthe same window. It will be a very cool feature, and will enable everyone to add quick links to their most used spots on gassavers.
Unless you guys think the idea is a stupid one, in which case I won't do it.