wow - i must say i was surprised popping in for a fuel up and seeing a new layout, and overall i'm quite impressed. it looks fresher yet still relatively clean, and importantly looks like the site is evolving which is great!
i think for me the sense that a couple of places feel a little 'tight' or squished when they could have a little more buffer space around them (like the profile info) or make some more use of vertical space e.g the basic stats is my main feeling right now.
i would love to see more options in the badges, like choosing what basic info is displayed in the profile/driver sentence. on my badge the sentence runs into the graphic which isn't so pretty.
finally as an australian, i would love to see 'Petrol' added to the fuel options. i was initially puzzled at the selections as 'Gas' here to me meant the pressurised type. i had to go and ask someone what to choose.
overall great job! kudos