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Old 11-20-2007, 05:35 PM   #1
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Moderators' Interests

it seems as tho some here w/ certain views are dicriminated against. these are open forums, are they not? i realize some of the majority take issue w/ the views of the apparent minority. fine, it happens.

the moderators should be interested in being fair as well as keeping the peace. the message here is no matter what motivation, there is a place for "you." that presumably means: as long as there are good intentions, "you" are welcome.

i, for one, don't always see good intentions from the majority. my intent is to save gas, pollute less, help others, AND consider apposing views. it is clear to this member, that locking/calling for locking of threads as well as lack of consideration for different views is one sided.

i don't want to leave or remain silent as others have. please help. you guys that are still here, but silent, please ring in if you feel the same way.

for the record, you guys are okay. i wish everyone well, just please show respect. it will help you younger guys age gracefully.

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Old 11-20-2007, 05:53 PM   #2
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I am a firm believer that debate is what moves us forward. Respect should be used, but if you disagree with someone, TELL THEM SO!!! Otherwise we all continue along our merry ways without accomplishing anything. Never resort to name calling and other ignorant feats to forward your own ideas.

I myself hold very strong beliefs on a variety of topics. I always base my feelings on rational ideas and support them with reasons. I try as best as I can to be uniform in my thinking, and not to use my opinions to suit myself as I see fit at any given moment.

I am saving gas right now, although it holds ABSOLUTE ZERO financial interest to me. I just feel that it is the right moral thing to do. Were I to only do this when it financially benefits me, then I would be holding conflicting views. I save gas for the environment, for the future, and for the thrill of it. Saving money just comes as an added bonus... for when I am actually footing the bill. Thus, as it applies to ME, I would be going against my beliefs by not saving gas when I am not paying for it. Others, who save gas simply for the economic benefits, would not be going against their beliefs if they were to use gas wastefully when they aren't paying for it.

Stay true to what you say. In the end, that is really all you are worth. I like to think that I uphold and follow the views that I preach.

Let's keep it open and forward-looking.

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Old 11-20-2007, 07:17 PM   #3
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If you want me to unlock the thread about innoculations, you ought to talk to me about it. The reason I locked it was because I myself had gotten carried away and saw no good ends in sight for it. If you have a problem with me, you should contact me.

I'm fine with arguing all day about all sorts of things and I never get huffy and say "I won't discuss this" or "I don't care," but the prevailing view from members is that such troublesome discussions usually lead no where and leave no one happy.
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Old 11-20-2007, 07:51 PM   #4
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fWIW; I support the efforts the moderators have made to maintain the boards. If they feel a topic needs to be closed because the discussion is spilling all over, they have my full support.
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Old 11-20-2007, 08:27 PM   #5
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It seems to me that recently The board has fallen into a rut of sorts. Getting off topic with almost every thread.

Now I agree that a healthy debate is good. When a thread turns to name calling though, it's time to lock that thread, and let people cool off. If a thread gets into a heated debate but stays on the topic of the thread, there is no reason to lock it, especially since that is what a forum is for....debate.

Now if a thread gets locked and a person feels that it shouldn't be locked, then that person needs to contact a moderator and then make arrangements to have the thread edited and remain open or have it remain locked or even deleted completely. Freedom of speech is a protected right, as long as it isn't used as a personal attack on someone. Everyone has an opinion and is entitled to express that opinion as long as they do it in a civil manner.

When the board first started there were very few Moderators. Since this board has grown a bit now, there tends to be some "pot-stirrers". The number of Moderators has been increased in order to help with this situation. It's a shame that the moderators have had to spend a lot of time lately babysitting. That should not be the main responsibility of a Moderator. The Moderators are here to help us with things like "oops, I double posted a thread, can you delete one of them" or "I posted this thread in the wrong subforum, could you move it for me please".

It really comes down to a persons' maturity. Granted, there will always be a time when something that gets posted will tweak someone the wrong way and may make them fly off the handle and get mad at someone. THAT IS WHAT PRIVATE MESSAGES ARE FOR!

Ok, I'm done with this post, lol. Let's be humans here, but let's also be intelligent about things.

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Old 11-20-2007, 09:58 PM   #6
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I've been on many boards, from way back when the pages scrolled up about as fast as you could read them (300 baud dial-up modem) to DSL (thank God!), and one reason I hang out here is the discussions.

I think the moderators do a fine job. As has been said before, folks need to try to stay on topic, but I'll be the first to say that I'll wander from the thread occasionally. If you have a beef, take it up with the moderator who locked the thread.
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Old 11-21-2007, 05:32 AM   #7
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Fear not, there are moderators on all sides of these arguments, and we all slap each other on the back and go home friends at the end of the day.
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Old 11-21-2007, 02:39 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by SVOboy View Post
If you want me to unlock the thread about innoculations, you ought to talk to me about it. The reason I locked it was because I myself had gotten carried away and saw no good ends in sight for it. If you have a problem with me, you should contact me.

I'm fine with arguing all day about all sorts of things and I never get huffy and say "I won't discuss this" or "I don't care," but the prevailing view from members is that such troublesome discussions usually lead no where and leave no one happy.
you need not unlock anything on my behalf. it is agreed that i misunderstood your meaning making it seem to have gotten carried away. no sweat. and your responsibility to control such things is respected.

if two individuals have a discussion/debate, w/ one holding the advantage to close, that seems an unequal playing field. perhaps another moderator could step in and close in such a situation. but, i understand why it was done.

now, as far as taking it to you directly...i PM'd you about something not related, previous to this incident, w/ no response. so, it stands to reason you might not have gotten either of them. did you?

not calling you out, just realize that this is the only way i know you'll get my response. no hard feelings.

BTW, said this before(i think), but i have no beef w/ you concerning respecting others views(or any beef for that matter).
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Old 11-21-2007, 03:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by DaX View Post
Fear not, there are moderators on all sides of these arguments, and we all slap each other on the back and go home friends at the end of the day.
THIS is what i'm looking for. have a civil debate: both aposing views are considered, each side learns something(hopefully), then go home(offline) friends.

i do believe the moderators do a fine job. it seems that some may insult others subtley, w/out using vulgar language(or name calling) which makes it difficult for mods to intervene.

i disagree about PMs concerning speaking to someone in anger. i wouldn't answer such a message, especially if i was deraGATORy.
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Old 11-22-2007, 08:22 AM   #10
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Mr. Kettle, there is a Mr. Pot on the phone for you. Should I have him call you black?

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