Originally Posted by Draigflag
Whilst adding a fuel up using the standard fuelly website on chrome, I added the miles driven, litres used and price per litre. Fuelly then works out the cost of the fuel up and auto fills the next field. I realised I had put the price in wrong, so changed the price per litre to 1p less and fuelly then automatically corrected the number of litres making it 53 point something when in fact it was 52 point something. So I then changed the litres back, and the price per litre jumped back up again. I Managed to stop it by clearing the total fuel up price and retyping the other fields one by one, but I almost didn't notice the other fields changing as I was correcting them. Just something minor to correct maybe?
Main site, or mobile site? I recall seeing this happen in the apps while testing a few months ago. I thought it was corrected but perhaps not. We'll look into it. I think because Fuelly takes 2 of the 3 fields into account to populate the third missing. When you adjust one of them, it's going to affect the others. Easiest way is to either delete 2 of the 3, or clear them all out.
But, we'll look into it to see if we can prevent that from happening in the future.