lost data back up - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-24-2015, 10:19 PM   #1
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lost data back up

Since I'm getting no where here with support emails I'm posting this here hoping someone can give me an answer one way or another so I can either find the data and replace my broken phone or find out there is no way to recover the data and replace my broken phone! Below is my original post:

My Galaxy S5 has gone bad and Verizon wanted me to do a factory reset on my phone before replacing it. I had went through the backup process of sending myself a backup file but it would seem the backup file failed to send. The latest backup file I have in my google drive is over a year old. I was always saving my backups to my SD card so I wouldn't have these problems but come to find out they haven't been happening since Acar changed the program to store backups on just the device storage! Is there a way to retrieve this data after a factory reset? Also, if I was backing up all my apps to google would the acar app still have the last saved data file in it? I'm desperate here as I've lost 5 years of records for 3 cars so any help from anyone would be appreciated beyond words!!!

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Old 11-25-2015, 12:57 AM   #2
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