And another thing, when filling the vehicle, I never stop with the pump "pops". I will continue, even if I have to go a bit slower to make sure I get it full, just because of that. There are a couple of stations I visit that pop early or just like to pop whenever, so to avoid it, I will fill it slower or just pull the nozzle back a bit (so it isn't all the way in) and that will also make it work better.
You still need to keep an eye on it, and listen and learn to just know how much gas your car typically takes. I mean if I know I'm say half a tank empty in my van, I know it takes roughly 10 US gallons to fill it.
My van as an example, typically IS full when it pops, I might be able to get 1/4 to a 1/2 a gallon more in it if I try. My car on the other hand? I can usually get 1-2 more gallons into it after it pops. So not all cars are the same. Plus the car never pops a pump early, unlike the van that does on occasion. Just a tip that may help, so you don't have so many partial tanks.