Originally Posted by Draigflag
Did you forget to mark one or more as partial fuel ups? Fuel up 189 suggests you only went 66 km on 41.2 litres of fuel, that can't be right...
G'day Draigflag,
Thanks for your reply.
I have tried umpteen times to enter the data, I have deleted all data from fill 189 - 197 and re-entered the data innumerous times with the exact same result each time.
I have made certain that the partial fill was ticked on the right fill #.
Fill #189 was the partial fill of 13 litres, I then drove home and did a total fill at my regular Costco Stn. which was 66 kms and 41.20 Litres.
I don't know what was happening but on my final attempt before forgetting about it tonight and forever turned out as it should, so the saga is over.
Thanks again for your interest and help.