Home page layout way too condensed
I understand the need for updating servers, code, and all that background support, but it doesn't do much when it takes steps backward. It's negatively affected my home page layout on every browser I use, leaving me to suspect it's the update. Everything has a "mobile" feel, where all the basic information is in a narrow column that won't extend with the width of the browser window, like it used to.
I keep my car info in the Vehicle Description box, and because of this new layout, what was a nice, readable little section is now a skinny but very long section that pushes my Basic Stats way below the browser window. I also make extensive use of the 'notes' section of my Log Book, and again because of this narrow restriction, my Log Book is now a ridiculously long section. Notes used to take up 2 lines at most; now they take up 4-6 lines, unnecessarily making the Log Book long. At the top, my vehicle name and type also collide and tuck under the vehicle picture; it's not a big deal, but its another symptom of this narrow window restriction. There's all this wasted space on the side, use it!