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Old 01-10-2009, 08:08 AM   #1
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Fuelly Mail idea

how about a "Fuelly Friends/Groups Email" option?

..i know we (& me, too!) want to keep down spammish email here within Fuelly, but it makes sense to be able to email more than one member at a time..(maybe i just haven't figured out how to accomplish this, but i haven't seen an easy way..beyond copy-paste)..

..for ex: if i wanted to setup a Subaru Legacy Outback email list, i can't do it within the current internal mail system..i have to mail each "member" individually..

..i'd like to sugg that emails can be sent to multiple Fuelly "friends" in the mail section..also, might need tags to identify certain Fuelly Friends as members of one group or another..

..since i'd be interested in a Fuelly Outback Group--to compare notes or whatnot--it seems like this kind of change could encourage members to more actively participate in Fuelly goings-on & it'd help with suggs on more fuel-efficient activity catered to individualized groups of car owners..

..naturally, i'd expect that you'd have to opt-in to any such Group..i mean, you'd have to accept-as-Friend to be included in such a "mass"-mail Group..or certain Groups could apply as "official" Fuelly groups & have an open option for interested members to connect..

..plus, there should be an easy opt-out function, like un-Friending someone or some Group..

..still, something like this seems like it might serve to increase sub-communities within the overall Fuelly experience (which is grand, regardless of whether this particular sugg can be implemented)..

just an idear..
[owner of T'Pal; 2002 Subaru Outback Legacy]

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Old 01-10-2009, 08:42 AM   #2
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Naw, the lure of spam is just too great for people. We've run private mail on another system and group/cc is a frequent feature request but there's just too many bad possible uses that outweigh to good uses to make it worth the risk.

We've talked about and considered stuff like maybe every car maker/model gets a forum of some sort, to allow for this sort of more specific fuel talk, but it's kind of hard to manage on the admin end and hard for people to find others in that kind of system.

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Old 01-11-2009, 06:13 AM   #3
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..fair enough..if i ever get a bunch of Outback-ers to friend-up, i'll just use copy-paste..

as always, appreciate the site & the quick response!..

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