No, it doesn't exist. It's something we'd like to put together but we've hit several stumbling blocks along the way.
One of the primary problems is that Fuelly offers multiple vehicles per account. So in addition to texting in distance, price, and fuel volume, you'd need to specify which vehicle you're fueling up. So a text into the system would look something like this:
1 300 10 2.50
[vehicle] [distance] [volume] [price]
This process is a bit cryptic, so entry errors are bound to occur. It'd be easy to forget to specify which vehicle you want, transpose the price or fuel volume, etc. And because Twitter doesn't offer a good way to send errors back to the person inputting the info, a bad fuel-up could get lost in the process. We don't want that to happen.
Another problem we've hit is trouble finding a way to simplify the process of verifying/tying your Fuelly account to your Twitter account. Right now the best method we an come up with is a multi-step process of following a specific account, tweeting shared secret codes, etc.
Above all, we're trying to make entering fuel-up data easy. We know that being able to text in your data would make that easy in some ways, but losing fuel-up data with a rickety process that's painful to set up in the first place would be very frustrating.
I think we can solve some of these problems of Twitter integration, but it's taking time to put it all together. And if we can't solve the problems with Twitter, we might need to look at other ways to text data into the system.
In the meantime there's
Fuelly Mobile.