I have noticed that many of our garage links are broken since the new changes. the symptoms of this are that you have jumbled script under your name instead of the button that contains your car's name. something like this VVVVV
this can easily be fixed by the user to whom the garage belongs.
you can get to your garage by going to someone elses garage and your cars should be at the top.
-click on edit (to your cars garage).
-add a period somewhere or or something
-hit update garage.
that fixed mine though it may not be universal. I had an issue with mine for some random reason a while back and that is how I fixed mine. you may not have to actually have to change anything, it may work by just updating it but I changed something just to be sure.
hope this helps someone
Be the change you wish to see in the world
--Mahatma Gandhi
I found that you can edit the body of your garage (the description or modification area) and then not much has really changed.
I figured it was something that was being worked on but also if it is something simple that the user himself could do, maybe we could save the admin group some time to do other stuff
Be the change you wish to see in the world
--Mahatma Gandhi
This has been a problem for as long as I've been on this site. The best way to fix it is to add a space to the body of your vehicle description, then update the vehicle. Usually fixes it. I didn't touch anything related to the garage when I was working on the member groups.
I didn't realize that editing the body can fix it, I thought it had to be in the name (since that's the part that's displayed in the messed up section). Cool.