Error w/ same-day fillups - Fuelly Forums

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Old 09-16-2014, 10:46 PM   #1
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Error w/ same-day fillups

When I have multiple fillups on the same day, which happens somewhat frequently when I do road trips, I get the following error:


  • The fuelup following this one has an odometer of 7,777.0, which is less than or equal to the odometer, 8,072.0, that you specified for this fuelup.
Now in this specific case, this is for the entry that has the odometer reading 8072.

This error highlights a number of issues with the code and design of the Fuelly website--despite it's "major 'behind the scenes' update."

First, this error should not happen. The code should realize that the order of fuelups is the order of odometer readings, not dates.

There is a Time entry field. Why? There might be an infinitesimally small number of use cases where a fillup time is important or relevant to users. As a result, users have to waste time clearing this field every time they input data. For the few that do want/need this data, it should be an optionally added field.

OTOH, something that can be important to drivers is whether they are filling up with regular pr premium (or in some states, mid-grade) gasoline. Rather than needing to use the Tags field to type in that option every, Single. Time. Making this as easily selectable option (radio buttons!) with a settings-based default would be a far, far better user experience.

The huge header and the "Web 2.0"-style layout push half the entry fields "below the fold"--and I'm using a 27-inch monitor running at 2560-x1440. There's way too much vertical space wasted in your layout. For the size of most of the fields, there's really no need to put the field label above the fields. To the right, and right-aligned, would make for a far more efficient form experience. Luke Wroblewski literally wrote the book on web form design. Your team should read it. (And if you claim this is for mobile, (or more properly "small screen") devices, then you should be writing CSS that offers efficient layouts based on the size of the viewport: like you have it now for small-screen devices, but as I suggested for large-screen ones.)

Oh, and the default time you put in the Time field? It's wrong, off by an hour.

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Old 09-17-2014, 06:17 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by twriter View Post
First, this error should not happen. The code should realize that the order of fuelups is the order of odometer readings, not dates.
It sounds like you're very thorough and accurate with your record keeping, and that's great! However, more often than not, entering data while at the pump, or when hastily trying to 'catch-up' on the pile of gas receipts you've been saving in your center console's cup holder all month, a typo can occur. This error message catches those and alerts you to the potential problem. As you can probably imagine an error when typing in the Odometer can lead to major discrepancies in the tracking fuel economy.
Keep in mind, this is more of a temporary "fix" for the above issue, because we're looking at better ways to catch/prevent bad data entry.
Originally Posted by twriter View Post
There is a Time entry field. Why? There might be an infinitesimally small number of use cases where a fillup time is important or relevant to users. As a result, users have to waste time clearing this field every time they input data. For the few that do want/need this data, it should be an optionally added field.
A time field was a request by MANY of our users. When entering multiple fill-ups for one day, (which you mentioned you do- "When I have multiple fillups on the same day, which happens somewhat frequently when I do road trips,") the time in which each fill-up occurred is very useful. Also, in the future, we may even offer an option to track if filling-up during a particular time of day affects your overall MPG (middle of the day - more evaporation from pump to tank for example). We may also offer graphs and other statistics that can take fill-up times into account.
Originally Posted by twriter View Post
OTOH, something that can be important to drivers is whether they are filling up with regular pr premium (or in some states, mid-grade) gasoline. Rather than needing to use the Tags field to type in that option every, Single. Time. Making this as easily selectable option (radio buttons!) with a settings-based default would be a far, far better user experience.
I'm glad you agree. This is a feature that Old Fuelly lacked and was requested often. Our mobile apps (Gas Cubby & aCar) offer the option to select the grade of fuel (along with many other options not currently available on Fuelly) and we're working to get that integrated to the web interface soon.
Originally Posted by twriter View Post
The huge header and the "Web 2.0"-style layout push half the entry fields "below the fold"--and I'm using a 27-inch monitor running at 2560-x1440. There's way too much vertical space wasted in your layout. For the size of most of the fields, there's really no need to put the field label above the fields. To the right, and right-aligned, would make for a far more efficient form experience. Luke Wroblewski literally wrote the book on web form design. Your team should read it. (And if you claim this is for mobile, (or more properly "small screen") devices, then you should be writing CSS that offers efficient layouts based on the size of the viewport: like you have it now for small-screen devices, but as I suggested for large-screen ones.)
Thanks for the feedback. What you see now isn't final. It was meant to be a mirror of Old Fuelly. We didn't want to change EVERYTHING up all at once. The design will develop and change as we implement more features into the site.
Originally Posted by twriter View Post
Oh, and the default time you put in the Time field? It's wrong, off by an hour.
DST was never accounted for on Old Fuelly. But we've been working on getting it straightened out since the move.
In fact, I was informed the fix should be in place today. You may need to view your Profile Settings page and adjust the Timezone to something closer to your home.

Thanks for your feedback!

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Old 09-18-2014, 12:52 AM   #3
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I have the same warning when I fill up the same day. Although there are no mistakes in entering odometer readings. Doesn't seem to affect the site though as it seems to be calculated correctly. I just press where it says "ignore warning".
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