My only problem with that is, having them retired, still allows the site to benefit from their statistics. By removing them, you remove that statistic from the site right?
I can understand the active vehicles being limited, but not the retired ones. Once they are retired, they just become a statistic.
On an alternative point, you could have an option to demote them to just the car info, deleting any reference to the original member, pics or details maybe. Like letting us have up to 6 retired vehicles, and if removed from that, we would have the choice to make them a site statistic when removing it. (in case of problems with deleting things like mistakes such as test entries, or retiring by mistake, etc)
Since this site is geared toward helping others with mileage, why would we want to lose vehicles that were contributing? You could have this same feature also take into account actual number of fill ups,as I know many vehicles often don't make it past a fill up or 2.
Just a thought.