Average Consumption (MPG) graph
I’ve noticed in the Average Consumption (MPG) bar graph that the way it calculates the monthly MPG is based off of the average of MPGs alone, rather than a calculation of combined miles / combined gallons for the month. In a month with some small and some large fuel ups, this can give a skewed result.
For example in a month with the following:
#1 -- 400 miles -- 10.000 gal -- 40 mpg
#2 -- 200 miles -- 5.714 gal -- 35 mpg
#3 -- 200 miles -- 5.714 gal -- 35 mpg
The way the current bar graph calculates, it would show 36.66 MPG for the month. Going by actual calculation of combined miles / combined gallons for the month, the true MPG for the month is 800/21.428 = 37.334 MPG. 37.33 seems more accurate to me, but that’s only my opinion.
Also, would it be possible to display this bar graph for lifetime, similar to the ability to “Chart all fuel-ups” on the past 10 MPG line graph?