Not sure where to post this, but I didn't see a "requests" sub-forum.
This isn't necessarily a new issue with the site, but rather a shortfall this site has had from day one. The way reminders are set up and used is useless. I've tried a couple of times to reenter "miles until" and "miles between" so I can get a reminder 500 miles before my car hits xxx miles, but it never seems to work out right.
Are there any intentions of overhauling the reminder function of this site?
Ideally I would like to be able to set a reminder for x odometer reading and x miles thereafter For example, I want a reminder every 5000 miles to change my oil, starting when my car hits 89500 miles.
Also, thank you for fixing the vehicle settings to use different engine choices within a given model. I have requested that for 3 years and kept getting "it would be too confusing for users"