I compared the
http://www.fuelly.com/car/ford/escape page to the same page on Old fuelly. There are also only 5 Hybrids listed there, 3 2008 and 2 2006 so the cars match up.
This is Old fuelly:
New fuelly:
Only difference is the bar chart. I need to fix that so that it is only showing the five cars in that filter.
When I look at your car, I see you have picked a Gas L4 engine. I checked out your car on Old fuelly and you have an L4 engine there as well. That is why your car doesn't appear in the Hybrid engine filtered vehicles.
So, I am seeing that the pages are now appearing exactly the same.
There is a V8 listed because a user has specified a V8 for their Ford Escape. The filter just shows all of the engines that users have specified. This also mirrors the Old fuelly functionality.