I like the improvements which you folks have made over the past year or so. But I take exception to the way that some rounding "distorts" amounts!
For example, I always take the fill up to the nearest nickel (5 US cents), and leave no pennies out there! Yet on my last fill on your site, instead of $21.00, as shown on my receipt for 9.549 gallons of gas at $2.119/gallon, you're showing 20.998! On the Windows calculator, $20.998251 is computed, indicating that you're rounding to the nearest tenth of a cent, where you should be rounding to the nearest cent.
Or better yet, put a check-box next to the amount that allows the user to override the computed cost (within a certain margin) to put the
EXACT amount spent without re-computing it! (Same with price/gallon--it shouldn't recalculate if I enter my exact cost of the fill.)
Theoretically, I shouldn't see any pennies in
any of my averages, and so my Systems Analyst mind does "WTF?"s every time I see that stuff!
Hopefully this makes "cents!" (Or won't, in the case of my averages!
