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Old 10-30-2008, 05:15 PM   #1
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Adding multiple entries at once?

I've been logging my gas mileage in a spreadsheet for over a year now (about 100 entries for 2 cars) and I'd like to put it all online, but my time is at a premium right now and I don't really care to go through all of it at once. Is there any way to input a string of data or straight from a spreadsheet? This seems like a big investment to start an online gaslog if one has already been doing it independently.


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Old 10-30-2008, 05:44 PM   #2
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You could put summary entries in. Use your spreadsheet to add it up into groups of two or three months at a time. Then, later when you are not so busy, you could put in all your detailed data.

When you fill out a form in your web browser, the data is usually submitted as part of the URL that it retrieves. So, once you fill out the form and hit submit, instead of retrieving the page "", it might try to retrieve something like " =BlahBlahBlah". The server sees that and reads all the data that follows the '?' as your data.

It may be possible to generate the URLs from your spreadsheet. I think you could do something like:$B2&Gallons=$C2&Miles=$D2&Notes=$E2
where B2 is the cell with the date (properly formatted), C2 is the cell with the gallons, etc. I'm not a whiz with spreadsheets.

Ok, I just tried it. It's pretty messy.
The "uid" and "garage" fields are individual to the person and vehicle. The "month" field is obvious:
The '10' there is the month. Day and year work the same, as do distance, fuel, cost, and notes, for which I entered 1111, 22, 333, and "My Notes" respectively. You'll notice that the spaces in "My Notes" were replaced with a '+', which is somehwat uncommon for these forms. Anyway, if you can make the spreadsheet make strings like that one, it could work, and you could then just save the list of URLs as a text file and use wget for Windows as follows:
wget -l nameOfYourTextFile

See, piece of cake!

(It's either this, or do something more useful...and I'm one hell of a procrastinator.)

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Old 10-30-2008, 09:30 PM   #3
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another concept is that if you have been keeping a personal gas log and you haven't implemented any of the techniques and modifications that are discussed here, you may want to simply add one or two tanks so that your average isn't killed by all of the miles traveled before you started on this site.

I didn't have a gas log before this site but I do remember waiting for those first two tanks to drop off of my 90 day average. it seemed like forever and my mileage stayed low for qite some time even after I heavily modified my car and started driving with the scangauge.

another idea is that you could enter them in, in reverse order. I don't think it cares in what order you do it. you could enter in a few at a time when you get time and at least you will have your most current ones in there.
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