A couple of suggestions involving forum signature bars - Fuelly Forums

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Old 04-03-2012, 02:52 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 329
A couple of suggestions involving forum signature bars

A couple of small suggestions - Club or forum branded signature bars, and adding a fuelly signature to fuelly forum posts.

Firstly ... Club or forum branded signature bars.
A lot of recruitment to fuelly happens via club forums or general forums (for example, tdi club).

If there was some way to 'brand' the 500 pixel signature bar so that a logo for the club or forum appears as well as the other details, then it would encourage recruitment for other people using that forum. There would have to be some simple way to add the 'branding' so that it does not make it harder to add a signature (some people who aren't familar with BBCode or forum signatures already struggle with this).

The clubs & forums are usually vehicle or manufacturer specific. So this could be used as a filter if the user has to pick from a list of them.

* Recruitment advantages

* Keeping it within 500 pixels could mean that you need to shrink other elements
* Maintaining database entries for clubs / forums and their icons ...
* People already struggle to understand how to add signatures, so you wouldn't want to make it more complex.

Adding a fuelly signature to fuelly forum posts
While people can add fuelly signatures to their posts on other forums, they can't add them here.

* People wouldn't need to click through the user id to find the user's vehicle.
* Since fuelly knows the viewer's units preference, it could show them all in that unit, rather than seeing one person using us mpg, another person using uk mpg, and so forth.

* A lot of big signatures might make the thread harder to read. Perhaps the small signature instead.
* Since some people have multiple vehicles, a way to select between them would be needed.
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