No, we have an outfitter who lugs our luggage.
Well I survived the ride. Biking long distance day after day teaches you alot about efficiency. The second day was the hardest 77miles, hills, and a headwind for over 75% of the time
. The last few days were much flatter and had a tail wind. I was holding 17mph without much difficulty. I also drafted on the flats. If a big bike club would come by I would jump on the back of the paceline and it would help alot.
I did get to ride with lance armstrong for 2 miles. There was a group of around 100 by him and they were going around 25mph. It was very scary being around that many people going that fast. I could of gone for a longer but I lost him in the town (everybody goes slow and walks there bikes in the towns).
2008 EPA adjusted:
Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007= 1,830ish miles
Average commute speed=25mph (yes, that's in a car)