Some of you may be interested in this - I stumbled upon this website as I'm in the midst of working on some aero modifications for my car.
We're building a tool to make a fairing for a tadpole trike. I've been documenting progress
Here. And will be publishing more within the next few days (about 14 hours of video to edit).
Here's Just the Video:
Google Video
While it's not a complete micromanaged step by step handbook, it gives you an idea of one method to make an HPV fairing. We're cutting a lot of corners because of budget (the budget is small relative to teams that spend $40K+) My avatar is last year's design. To answer a question I get all the time, this is the entry for the University of Central Florida (UCF) in the ASME HPV Challenge in early May.
I'm open for questions and feedback

Criticism is always welcomed too.
Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.
Bike Miles (Begin Aug. 20 - '07): ~433.2 miles