Originally Posted by striegel
My actual commuting and shopping on the bike accounted for 121 days and I'll almost certainly do even more next year.
...number of days usage, Great!
MORE data to collect. If the cyclocomputer didn't do it for me I wouldn't have it.
Only 82.66 miles in December. The ice storm, 10+ days without power, the debris (still) in the road, two snow storms (12+ inch and 8+ inch) had me ride much less than I expected.
More snow expected for tomorrow morning so here's a Year end tally: 1953.90 displacement miles. That's 1,950 fewer miles on the car, 53 fewer gallons of fuel burned, $160 less spent at $3/gallon, $210 if at $4 per.
I'll calculate the fossil carbon emission reduction later.
<edit>Not using 53 gallons of biodiesel blend (2.65 Kg of CO2 from fossil carbon/gallon for B100, 10.1 Kg/gal for petroleum diesel, at an annualized B80 average) meant an estimated 220 kg less of CO2 from fossil sources was contributed to the atmosphere. That's like reducing gasoline (8.8 Kg/gal) consumption by 25 gallons. Not a whole lot conserved, is it?
But, it means my 36 mpg car, if not "greener", is at least "less brown" than a 78 mpg gasoline car on a CO2 per mile basis.<end>