04-07-2009, 07:38 AM
Registered Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 6,624
LOL, really?

GM, Segway team up on 200-mpg 2-seater
[...]The companies plan to announce the partnership Tuesday in New York, where they are testing a prototype of the partially enclosed, two-seat, two-wheel scooter. The venture is called Project PUMA, for Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility.
The companies hope to recruit partners, such as cities or colleges, to set up Puma travel lanes, like bicycle lanes.[...]
Though being unveiled in New York, the Pumas might appeal most in densely packed cities in places such as India and China, Borroni-Bird says. There they would seem a big step up from bicycles. Americans, who are used to cars, might not take them as seriously.
He forecasts energy consumption equivalent to 200 miles per gallon of gasoline. That falls to about 70 mpg adding in fuel to generate electricity used to charge its battery.
More photos: http://www.usatoday.com/money/galler...sh.htm?gid=942
Well, they're right...I'm having a hard time taking it seriously.
This sig may return, some day.