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Old 04-07-2009, 05:11 PM   #11
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If it fit my needs and was acceptably priced I would too. Looks a lot safer than the Uno...


Main Entry: co de pen dence - see codependency
co de pen den cy
Pronunciation: \kō-di-ˈpen-dən(t)-sē\
Function: noun
Date: 1979

: a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as an addiction to alcohol or heroin) ; broadly : dependence on the needs of or control by another
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:29 AM   #12
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I'd hate to see one of those wedged in the grill of an H2. And the same could be said for a smart car (there are some crazy crash test vid.'s out there). But why the hell do people drive (just themselves) to work in an H2, and for that matter why do people drive to work in a geo metro, which seats 4. Well for fear of cars that shouldn't be on the road in the first place, and goods being moved by truck, most of which could be moved by train.
one or two seat vehicles make sends to me, as long as they're safer than a Vespa. (preferably a lot safer).
The switch over to tiny cars will take a long time in the US, and will never happen fully until we pay $8.49 9/10 per gal. of fuel like the rest of the world.
and then there's the American need for power. What happened to cars with 75HP. That's more than enough to drive any road in the states, but we buy cars with 180+HP and want to get good milage.
okay, this is turning into a rant, and i should stop it now...

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Old 10-08-2009, 08:53 AM   #13
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I had similar issues. I was on the list for the smart and then had a child. I don't have the capital to own the about half a dozen cars that I would like to have. for that reason, I need to have cars that fit ALL my requirements. my wife, daughter, and myself often ride in my car during the fall, winter, and spring. my car's A/C doesn't work so it is warm in the summer to say the least. I usually still get 35ish mpg. during the summer, we take my wife's element (which also doubles as a truck when hauling is needed) and it gets 25ish mpg.

I try my best to take the car if I can because of fuel cost. I am more about saving money than the planet though it is a good side affect of saving money. if I could afford to have two smaller commuter cars to replace my car, I would but the fact is that cars are expensive and the selection of 2 seater, 75hp cars isn't very large (to my knowledge, the smart is the only one in the US). that added to the taxes, inspection cost, general upkeep with more vehicles.

I do feel that most vehicles are overpowered. my cavalier has 120hp and for that reason, I added the WAI to cut that power down (along with other benefits)

my first car was a 55hp 3 cylinder geo metro that got 50mpg. not sure you could get much better than that in a 2 seater (and still pass safety requirements)

I understand what people mean when they said that a higher gas price would fix this but until auto makers caught up, the US economy would be crippled. the cost of a tank of gas (mine is 15 gallons) would go from $37.50 (at $2.50/gallon) to $127.35 (at your $8.49/gallon price) that would put a damper in anyones budget. I fill up about 3 times monthly so my yearly cost would go from $1350.00 to $4584.60 for fuel and that is just in my car. my wifes gas bill would probably be that much and then some.

I think that changes need to be made but the big question is how to go about it.

(the 1/2 dozen cars I would like to have) not in any particular order
Dodge 2500 (diesel)
lotus exigue
smart for two
ariel atom
burgundy 1993 metro (my first car)
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Old 10-08-2009, 09:24 AM   #14
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No matter what automakers do our economy will be crippled by gas prices that high. Maybe someone like me who only owns one car that averages in the 12s and drives 26 miles a day round trip to work would be alright getting a car that got 35mpg in that scenario but that only covers me to $7 and that's to break even in the fuel department.

It will help curb excessive usage but short of moving there is no way to avoid the heavy impact that would have and doesn't even begin to address the costs of transporting goods and food.
- Kyle
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Old 10-08-2009, 12:30 PM   #15
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owning multiple vehicles seems like it would reduce fuel consumption for many people. In this day and age you can get a second (POS) car for under $1000, but insuring it is ridiculous. If I'm the only person driving both cars, then my chance getting into an accident is exactly the same as if i owned one car.
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Old 10-08-2009, 12:56 PM   #16
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yea but you can't get the newest 2 seater 75hp car for under a grand (as the car manufacturers have yet to produce one).

my cavalier was $2000 and I bought it about 5.5 years ago. I have well gotten my moneys worth out of it.
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Old 10-08-2009, 02:22 PM   #17
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I also will not drive any of today's new cars for at lest ten years. It's a good system for many reasons. If a car has a design flaw i'll know about it before i buy it. Not to mention the thousands of dollars you burn. Compare the cost of owning your Cavy for ten years vs. a smart car (including insurance, gas, hard to find Mersadize parts, easy to find junk yard cavalier parts, car loan interest)
i really don't understand the draw to new cars. I wouldn't by one if i was filthy rich. The price of even a one year old car is dramatically lower, and so what if someone drove it 10k.
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Old 10-08-2009, 03:12 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Dr. Jerryrigger View Post
owning multiple vehicles seems like it would reduce fuel consumption for many people. In this day and age you can get a second (POS) car for under $1000, but insuring it is ridiculous. If I'm the only person driving both cars, then my chance getting into an accident is exactly the same as if i owned one car.
I hate that insurance issue so much. Why can't I have insurance per driver instead of per vehicle? Then there's no more crap about who is a part-time driver on a car or which car is driven on my commute. I'd still have to get some small coverages like comprehensive per vehicle, but that's not much of a problem.

I'm not sure how collision insurance would work, since the insurance company's cost for that one really is a combination of driver and vehicle.
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Old 10-09-2009, 11:14 AM   #19
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It looks like a motorized wheelchair. It will really mobilize the handicapped.

A good idea, maybe.......for some places. But I can just see them being stolen way too easily especially by kids looking for a joyride. Every different technology/invention can lead to something better though.
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Old 10-09-2009, 09:47 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Dr. Jerryrigger View Post
owning multiple vehicles seems like it would reduce fuel consumption for many people. In this day and age you can get a second (POS) car for under $1000, but insuring it is ridiculous. If I'm the only person driving both cars, then my chance getting into an accident is exactly the same as if i owned one car.
Might be a good system for you, but like you said, insurance gets expensive. That's why I gave up my motorcycle back in the ' cost more to insure than my car did. And my car's insurance was about 10 times what the car itself cost me! (About $1k/year for a $100 '62 Rambler American).

Also, most people don't have facilities to store multiple cars, and even if they did, many live in neighborhoods where CCRs, homeowner's associations, etc. forbid such. Even if they did, they usually don't have the desire to own another car, especially a POS that needs constant attention. What would you rather do on Sunday...drink beer and watch football with your buddies or get all oily under a car that you have to fix so you can get to work on Monday?

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