Originally Posted by lemmiwinks
A DMM is good for showing you the OCV of the batteries, and if you can juggle it, the voltage under load, but a hydrometer will give you a better indication of the actual condition of a flooded battery.
Good tip, thanks. The book I've been reading "Build Your Own EV" (appropriate to crack it open, now that we're half finished, eh?) sort of pooh-poohs hydrometer use in favour of a DMM, which I took at face value. But I realize in retrospect, they're expecting you to be using a nice set of shiny new batteries.
A brief note about electric motors (I apologise in advance if you already know this),
No apology needed. Good refresher.
Got one! eBay, NOS. 50 mv shunt with a 600A scale gauge.
You could use a friend holding a DMM plus the ammeter readings to get an idea of voltage sag under load, and also how much current your batteries can actually deliver to the controller.
Yes - as much as it's useful (and fun!) to drive the car around and do DMM readings immediately afterwards, a proper load test is the way to go.
(getting a modified car registered here is nothing that bulk $$ can't fix )
Yes, I've read that about both Australia and NZ. What's up with you folks down there? And all the trouble that the little REVA EV stirred up? Wow.
I especially loved the EV1 rip off at the end, classic
Cool - you're the first one who recognized it!

(Or at least said so.)