weekend update ...
1) Fixed (epoxied) the speedo cable boss I fubared back in
post 340. Installed the replacement cable from the red car (getting the cluster out was a bit of a pain). Then tested it: made the wheels go 25 km/h
2) Put oil back in the tranny ("previously enjoyed" 5-20 synth from the Blackfly

) ... then noticed it was seeping around one of the axle seals. Crud. Last thing I want is an EV that leaves oily spots on the driveway. That's just too ironic for my tastes.
3) Dug up Jerry's nice clear circuit schematics over at
http://evconvert.com. They're so easy to read for an electrical newb like myself. Got together with Ivan and we drew up the Forkenswift's schematic, v 1.0. I'll post it sometime.
4) Tranny & adapter plate are now properly fastened with good size nuts & bolts (no more wing nuts).
5) A friend donated about 20 feet of used 3/0 welding cable - it'll be great for making battery connections.
6) This week: want to pick up a battery load tester, and start looking for 6 or 8 surplus/used batteries. Starting with the forklift co that sold us the Baker.