Originally Posted by philmcneal
omg wow i'm so jealous... i really want an EV for my short trips ... oh man when I visit Toronto can I see this baby?
Sure thing, Phil. But I'm closer to Ottawa than Toronto

You'd have to give me about 10 days notice to drive it to Toronto!
Maybe even encourage me to work on my own EV! Man if I can build a simple EV that would seat four and would give me AT LEAST 30 km range per charge oh man I would be drooling all over it.
You know there's a pretty active EV association in Vancouver. You could probably see some cars and get advice:
Man now your tanks will truly rock because you'll never have a cold trip ever again in your Gas Geo!
May not work out that way. Just like the
bicycle cargo trailer , the EV is going to displace even more local driving where I consistently get better MPG than highway trips. The Blackflea tank averages are probably going to go down when the ForkenSwift goes on the road.