For what it's worth:
"I've tried this device on about 150 cars . ( I called it ''air deflector'' so here's another name to add on your list Laughing ) and it was working quite well on some cars but not at all on some others.
I would say about 50/50 chance it works.
I noticed that Honda's had the biggest mpg increase with 20-35%. I bought plans on Ebay and made them myself using aluminium flashing. I saw a huge difference on my 98 Civic and went up to 61 mpg driving 100 km/hr on highway. I had a not-very-clean air filter, old spark plugs, winter tires at 30 psi in summer but driving a sunny day with no wind.
Afterwards, I noticed that GM pick-ups (and all the vortek engines), hiyunday and the newest cars were not improving mpg after they installed the device.
The air deflector was especially effective on Jeep, Dodges pick-ups, Honda and some Ford engines.
Other names I know of are: ''vorticulaire'' (by a guy in Trois-Rivi?res ou claimed to be the inventor), spiralmax and cyclone. They're all patented and slightly different."
"In one independent test, a couple of 1997 Saturns were each equipped with a VortexValve?. The sedans belong to a security company in the Los Angeles area. The vehicles are just about as "identical" as you can make them. And, they are driven on routes which are pretty consistent. The main variable for the test was the drivers. One Saturn got a 52 percent increase and the other one got a 43 percent increase in gas mileage."