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Old 09-21-2005, 01:43 PM   #1
Driving on E
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Simple Water Injection System

<p><strong>Author:</strong>Langwell, Gerry</p><p><strong>Publication:</strong></p><style type="text/css">
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<p>This will describe a simple water injection (suction) system using the windshield washer tank as a reservoir and modifications to the thorttle body. A few benefits of using the washer tank is you don't have to find room for another tank and if you use washer system antifreeze it will contain a small amount of methanol, so now you will have water/methanol injection. This system uses no pump and relies on engine vacuum to draw water into the tortle body. With the throttlebody modifications described below the engine should not drawm water at idle but will begine to draw water as the throttle is opened.</p>
<p>NOTE: A few things to consider... I used a .040&quot; drill bit which I believe was a &quot;bit&quot; too large. If I open the needle valve more than just a &quot;crack&quot; it draws too much water. I recommend using the smallest bit you canfind and experiment. you can always drill it larger if needed. Also, I drilled just ahead of the butterfly. I think it probably would have worked better if I had drilled right at the point where thebutterfly makes contact.</p>
<p>Theory: Water injection cools the flame front of the combustion and provides more efficient burning, increased power, and better mileage to mname a few. howeever, I did not realize mileage improvements until I installed a EFIE unit from Eagle Research to compensate for the O2 sensor. I can run my timing at 20 degress BTDC without any preignition detonation and the car runs great. <span class="style1">(gassavers note: The EFIE unit is a unit that takes your o2 sensor voltage and modifies it so that your ECU will not know that the air/fuel ratio has been alters and it will therefore not adjust it accordingly. It is used in conjunction with other devices which lean out the fuel/air ratio. While running your engine lean in this manner is one way to save on gas, it is never recommended to alter your oxygen sensor or it's voltage. A malfunctioning oxygen sensor can lead to poor emissions, and eventual engine damage)</span></p>
<p>Throttle body modifcations:</p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/1.jpg"></p>
<p>Measure from the edge of the throttlebody to the butterfly to help determine where to drill. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/2.jpg"></p>
<p>Transfer your measurement to the outside surface. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/3.jpg"></p>
<p>Carefully drill your hole. This is where I would recommend using a smaller bit. Make sure you prop open the butterfly so you don't cause any damage with the drill. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/4.jpg"></p>
<p>Here you see the freshly drilled hole. If I were to do this on another throttlebody, I would locate the hole right where the butterfly would seal it off.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/5.jpg"> </p>
<p>To provide for a hose connection I drilled a slightly larger hole on the outside (be careful not to drill all the way through). then I robbed a brass vacuum tube from an old carb. and epoxied it in place.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/6.jpg"> </p>
<p>Here's a picture with the water supply line installed. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/7.jpg"></p>
<p>I then drilled a 1/4&quot; hole in the side of the filler neck of my windshield washer container. The water supply line goes through this whole and extends compeltely to the bottom of the tank. I placed a small filter o nteh end of this tube. Make sure you cap is vented with a small hole to prevent your tank from collapsing. </p>
<p>Mine has a tube installed only because it was there from a previous modification I was trying. the needle control valve is used to control the flow of water to the engine. I can only run mine with this valve barely &quot;cracked&quot; open, otherwise it runs rough andsucks the tank dry! </p>
<p align="center"><img src="/files/gassavers/water_injection/8.jpg"></p>
<p>Another view.</p>
<p>And that's all there is to it. My car doesn't have a windshield washer low level light so I have to check it manually. I usually have to fill it up about every five days. </p>
<p>The increase in power during acceleration is definately noticeable. I now have my timing advanced to 20 degrees before top dead center and there isno pre-ignition knock or &quot;pinging&quot; whatsoever. </p>
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