Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq
Very cool! What about using actuators controlled by a computer that can measure acceleration and change the dampening rate?  There's plenty of cool stuff out there (Bose EM suspension) that probably doesn't cost a whole lot more than conventional, but won't be used because big manufacturers don't want to pay royalties. 
Missed this earlier :P They would probably use accelerometers to handle that

Perhaps even electro-magnet field detection to monitor body position (much like how Honda and a few other mfr's monitor for side airbag/curtain deployment).
And that bose suspension is really cool

But unless they can get around the patents (something like getting around the hemisphereical head design), I agree it won't happen on a large scale until the patent expires.
I *don't* like wearing seat belts because I was raised without them. They are not comfortable to me. But I always will, because I know what the consequences are.
Perhaps it's generational - but I can't get comfortable without the seatbelt on... But I do remember as a little kid not always wearing my belt :P
I think ABS is not required, but try finding a car without.
I used to be against ABS.... My last car didn't have it. My current car does. And I am fairly certain it saved my life - or at least my ***. It saved a friend of mine from slamming into someone that decided to stop on the highway - that is until the person behind him slammed into his car :/ If I recall, statistically ABS doesn't help the overall number of accidents... Something about people waiting longer to brake because they know they have ABS :/ But I'm happy that I have it now...
I honestly think the subcompacts and mini cars will never truthfully catch on in America. And the days of a car with no air bags and other safety equipment are numbered.
That's like an answer followed by a question all in one -- and I agree. Which is unfortunate. UNLESS fuel costs increase sharply - that is, it hurts people's pockets while until they move to a smaller car. But that type of increase is something like $2.50 to $4.50 or even $5.00 within a month or two. I really don't know, just a somewhat uneducated prediction.