05-29-2011, 09:54 AM
Registered Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 542
Re: Gas Price Fraud?
Originally Posted by bowtieguy
no question consumer choice of vehicle is a concern, but what about the political blame game? i don't hear it anymore. hmmmmm...
Well, have there been more secret energy meetings with the oil companies hmmmmmm?
Does anyone in the current admin have an oil tanker named after them... like Chevron's "The Condoleeza Rice"?
Originally Posted by wiki
She was taken under the wing of George P. Shultz (Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State from 1982–1989), who was a fellow at the Hoover Institution. Shultz included Rice in a "luncheon club" of intellectuals who met every few weeks to discuss foreign affairs.[16] In 1992, Shultz, who was a board member of Chevron Corporation, recommended Rice for a spot on the Chevron board. Chevron was pursuing a $10 billion development project in Kazakhstan and, as a Soviet specialist, Rice knew the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. She traveled to Kazakhstan on Chevron's behalf and, in honor of her work, in 1993, Chevron named a 129,000-ton supertanker SS Condoleezza Rice.
Is our current VP an ex-oil company chairman and CEO like Cheney/Halliburton?
Do any of the president's relatives have leadership positions in the military/industrial/oil complex?
Originally Posted by wiki
In 1995, Cheney replaced Thomas H. Cruikshank, as chairman and CEO. Cruikshank had served since 1989.[23]
In the early 1990s, Halliburton was found to be in violation of federal trade barriers in Iraq and Libya, having sold these countries dual-use oil drilling equipment and, through its former subsidiary, Halliburton Logging Services, sending six pulse neutron generators to Libya. After having pleaded guilty, the company was fined $1.2 million, with another $2.61 million in penalties.[24]
In 1998, Halliburton merged with Dresser Industries, which included Kellogg. Prescott Bush was a director of Dresser Industries, which is now part of Halliburton; his son, former president George H. W. Bush, worked for Dresser Industries in several positions from 1948 to 1951, before he founded Zapata Corporation.
Old EPA 23/33/27
New EPA 21/30/24
New EPA12/14/17