Driving on the freeway with Cruise Control, the smart way. - Fuelly Forums

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Old 12-07-2005, 08:55 AM   #1
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Driving on the freeway with Cruise Control, the smart way.

I will explain how to maximize your MPG on the freeway using the cruise control. Sorry for the grammar ahead of time.

Some of you who have cruise control and don't use, but it can give you a good increase in MPG. Some of you don't use it because you think the cruise control is stupid, and you are right. The cruise control needs to be told what to do.

I will teach you how to properly use cruise control on the freeway so that you won't waste gas by having the cruise control do what it wants to do. Using the cruise control helps the fuel economy by maintaining the same speed and not jerking the throttle.

You ever notice that everytime you set your speed on the cruise control and you slow down and press the accel. button your car downshifts to lower gear and accelarates to the set speed. That is a waste of gas. Ever notice that when you are going downhill with cruise control the rpms go down and then when you get on a level road it accelates and shifts into top gear again??? That is another example of wasting gas.

Let's begin... From now I'll use CC instead of cruise control.

When you are on CC and you see that the freeway goes downhill your car will keep the same speed. When the car starts going downhill and the hill is too steep your MPH will rise and your car will use the lower gearing to slow/keep the same speed. It will shift which is a waste of gas and keep it in lower gear till the downhill is gone, then it will upshift which is another waste of gas and continue on it's way.

Keep the foot on the gas, press the Cancel button on the steering wheel(not the brakes because when you press the brakes your car will start shifting when you get your foot back on the gas) and as you start going downhill accelarate slightly, this will keep your car in the same gear. When the downhill is over slowly start releasing the gas pedal until you're back to your CC speed and press the set or accel. button on the CC. You just went downhill without the car shifting gear and you got back to your cruise speed without the car shifting gears.

Usually when you're on the CC and when you get to a hill your engine works more by keeping the same speed by increasing rpm. The RPM usually gets increased 2000-2500rpm. Not only that but your car just shifted twice. Once when going uphill and the second time after the hill to get into the top gear.

When you see the uphill in front of you click the cancel button while keeping your foot on the gas pedal and start to slowly accelarate BEFORE the hill. Once you hit the hill you should be 5-8mph over your cruise speed. While the car is going uphill slowly release the gas so that way the car doesn't shift. Using this method will keep the car in the same gear. Once you're on the top of the hill you should be 5-8mph below your cruise speed because you were slowing down when going uphill. Then slowly accelarate to your cruise speed and press the SET or ACCEL. button. Your foot should never leave the gas pedal while going uphill. And your car should not shift while going uphill.

3)Switching lanes
When people switch lanes they usually accelarate while switching lanes. If you're on CC while switching lanes mostly likely your car will shift.

If you want to switch lanes while using the CC move your foot over to the brake and keep your foot over the brake pedal. Next, check your mirrors and your blindspots and start switching over. Once you've switched lanes you can take your foot away from the brake. This method is perfect because if someone in front of you were to brake while you're switching lanes you'd be ready.

Some people who drive CC keep their foot on the brake just incase they have to slow down really fast.

Don't have your foot on the brake while using the CC and you are at constant speed because it wears your brakes down. You can't rest your foot on the BRAKE pedal because you will wear down the brakes really quick. Same thing with the clutch.

5)Choice of lanes
When on the freeway sometimes people stay in the farthest right lane and that wastes too much fuel. The reason is because the people that want to get on or off the freeway will get in front of you and you will have to brake and accel. all the time. It is especially more fuel consuming if you are using the cruise control while doing this.

Stay in the second or third lane away from the farthest right and you will be in the same speed most of the time and will save more fuel.

6)Keeping distance
Sometimes people that are on cruise control or even people who are not get too close to the vehicle in front of them and causes you to brake a lot and to accel.

Keep your distance from the driver ahead of you. That way you're able to keep the same speed on CC, waste less fuel and you get a bigger braking distance if something ahead were to happen.

7)Getting off the Freeway
When drivers get off the freeway, they drive up right to the next then brake like crazy.

When you see your exit and you are approx. 1/8 - 1/4 mile from it(depends on if somebody is behind you and how fast you're going) move your foot over to the brake pedal and and cancel your CC and just let the car coast to the exit and even beyond the exit.

8)Getting on the Freeway
When getting on the freeway it's important that you don't waste any gas and don't slow down.

As soon as you get on the freeway change lanes because other people will use the farthest right lane to get on and off the freeway and cause you to brake and accel. all the time. Get up to your cruise speed and SET the CC.

That's it. Enjoy the added MPG from these 8 tips.


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Old 12-08-2005, 03:18 PM   #2
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Re: Driving on the freeway with Cruise Control, the smart way.

Originally Posted by Compaq888

Some people who drive CC keep their foot on the brake just incase they have to slow down really fast.

Don't have your foot on the brake while using the CC and you are at constant speed because it wears your brakes down. You can't rest your foot on the BRAKE pedal because you will wear down the brakes really quick. Same thing with the clutch.
Keeping foot on the brake with CC ??
Doesn't a slightest touch to break pedal cancel CC ?

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Old 12-08-2005, 03:35 PM   #3
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Re: Driving on the freeway with Cruise Control, the smart way.

Originally Posted by Capcom
Keeping foot on the brake with CC ??
Doesn't a slightest touch to break pedal cancel CC ?
I've rested my foot on the brake pedal while using cruise control, but it's never been an issue because the CC never turned off.

You're right Capcom, even the slightest brake (I'm assuming it piggy-backs off of the brake light sensor) will turn off Cruise Control.
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Old 12-08-2005, 10:47 PM   #4
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On some cars resting your

On some cars resting your foot on the brake doesn't turn off the CC. When you press it, it turns off. The foot should never rest on the brakes, the brakes are sometimes even more sensitive than the cruise control.

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Old 12-09-2005, 01:27 PM   #5
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My car has cruise control

My car has cruise control too.
It's the basic 3 button cruise control system:
Button 1) Cancel
Button 2) Set/Accelerate
Button 3) Resume/Coast

This is the first time i learn that some cruise control systems do not deactivate when foot is resting on the brake pedal. I guess it is very dangerous.
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