EXACTLY! I'm zipping it from now on --
Showed the article to the wife and she is now scared to death. Good thing is they won't mess with me around here - at least the locals for my county as well as the adjoining counties. Still after reading this article, it just makes me proud to wake up in the morning and say I'm an American.

Seriously, when I was researching it, I watched plenty of European documentaries and they mentioned the taxes they had to pay. I just wish the guy could turn it around and charge them some sort of fee for emissions reduction or something just as stupid as them searching for the people trying to make good.
Reminds me of the tax incentives for people (businesses) to buy the gargantuan SUV's.
I guess I'll be making a bumper sticker that says "My other car wastes four times the gas your car does!" instead of the "Powered by Waste Veggie Oil" I was going to have. That should get them off my back - on top of that I was going to go through Charlotte on my cross country trip I was planning soon. Detour!!! They won't be getting my tourist money or any other money for that matter!! (was planning on staying with relatives for a day)
Originally Posted by theclencher
There was another story like this in the news some time ago- guy got in trouble with the IRaSS because he was featured in a newspaper story about his WVO conversion.
Note to self: Don't blab to the press about your alt fuel accomplishments.