Interesting link about how this car works
I have been following this for a while they were talking about a dual fuel version at one time, it would be great 160Km on air then switch to fossil fuel for the rare occasion you need the extra range.
"The dual energy system
The Series 34 CAT?s engines can be equipped with and run on dual energies - fossil fuels and compressed air - and incorporate a reheating mechanism (a continuous combustion system, easily controlled to minimize pollution) between the storage tank and the engine.
This mechanism allows the engine to run exclusively on fossil fuel which permits compatible autonomy on the road.
While the car is running on fossil fuel, the compressor refills the compressed air tanks. The control system maintains a zero-pollution emission in the city at speeds up to 60 km/h."
The tanks are cabon fibre and weight 35Kg each, seems like a lot lighter that an EV battery, they claim there safe in an accident, see the technical FAQ
Sounds like a neat idea although I think they still have some work to do, not sure how it would work in Canada in the winter would the engine turn to a block of ice? guess thats one reason for starting in India I think they might have an answer for that, some one has sure sank a pile of money into this idea