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Old 06-13-2007, 06:38 PM   #21
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On press coverage

Originally Posted by MnFocus View Post
Agreed .

The whole hypermiler = drafter profile is getting major media hype therefore much like gun control , war , police brutality etc etc blah blah blah is all the public will associate with FE/hypermiling . There ! Now driving for max FE (hypermiling) is a dirty word . ...and why "We" need public exposure in the highest regard.
Every gruop has its deviants. Some 'journalists' twist the facts of a story just to create sensationalism so it's not factual any more. But they don't seem to care. They're like papa-razzi trying to suck the life out of their victims. They don't know how to work an honest job.

I think what you have to do is preempt these trite sound bites with well thought out presentations of the site's position on potentially controversial things like drafting, ridge-riding and key-off coasting.

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Old 06-13-2007, 06:52 PM   #22
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Ding! Ding!

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Old 06-13-2007, 11:15 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jim Dunlop View Post
So putting their possibly typical control issues aside, when was the last time you risked taking a shotgun blast to the face just for doing your job?
I've almost been run over by good 'ole' boys in an old F-150 who were 'supporting the troops' at a protest once.

And actually, cops very very rarely get prosecuted for what they do. One thing that springs to mind is back in '82, some cops were following a guy on a motorcycle, While making a turn, he lost control and fell. The cops then removed his helmet, beat him to death, and tried to claim that he died from the fall. Their justice was 3 months of paid vacation. Another incident that springs to mind is in '84 when a kid who was skipping school. A cop went up to him in a public place, asked why he wasn't in school, then shot him in the head before he could even respond. That guy was suspended for a few weeks. I've been in the middle of police assaults. I have seen them target people just for being at a demonstration. I have seen protesters beaten with clubs for not backing up when they have a wall behind them. I've seen three people arrested as the cops put it 'for their safety' at a demonstration. I've been pulled over and threatened with arrest for 'looking suspicious.' Cops are no good. I would rather have a gun and take care of defending myself my way.

I regret the last time I bothered to call the cops. I was attacked, defended myself, but they took my cell phone. The cops took 1/2 of an hour to get there (I only called them because it was in an area surrounded by canals that only left one exit unless they wanted to swim) and figured that even the pigs could catch a few guys on foot in this area (I just wanted my cell phone back). After waiting for a while, one cop showed up and started getting in my face about it drilling me about the whole thing. Then another one came up and asked me how many were black (they were all white) and was visibly disappointed by the fact that the kids weren't black. They then proceeded to question me as though I had done something wrong (in the mean time I'm bleeding all over, have a black eye, and there were witnesses there).
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Old 06-14-2007, 12:23 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by repete86 View Post
I would rather have a gun and take care of defending myself my way.
Guns are offensive weapons.
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 06-14-2007, 01:35 AM   #25
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I'm sure we can all make generalizations based on isolated incidents in the media + personal experience. It sounds like the "personal experience" in Florida is quite different than the one in Wisconsin. I've always found cops here to be polite, reasonably educated, and only sometimes smart-alecks. Then again, I don't hang out at protests, racially-tense urban areas, or other confrontational situations typical contact with them consists of speeding tickets.

I'm still waiting to get pulled over for using my switch-activated "anti-tailgater" smokescreen device on the interstate. At that point I'll politely ask the officer why he/she didn't pull over the tailgater.

RE: Their job. At least they are generally trying to enforce existing laws instead of getting paid ridiculous sums of money (courtesy of me) to enact useless new ones.

RE: Drafting. Haven't done it much b/c I also respect truck drivers. I thought I noticed someone drafting off me yesterday. It was another little car, don't know what make/model. LOL! Does that even make sense? I don't think a little Satty provides enough windbreak!

Team: Right Lane Rollers
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Old 06-14-2007, 01:52 AM   #26
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As a cyclist, I can honestly say that any windbreak is better than no windbreak!

Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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