Originally Posted by theclencher
I concur. I imagine how much longer humanity could enjoy the party we have going now, then realize it is the damned breeders that are ruining it for all. OH, but don't dare talk bad about breeders, don't even bring the subject up!  For some reason it's prohibited, taboo, forbidden, hush hush, verboten!
Funny thing... most of the industrialized nations have had negative population growth. Were it not for immigration parts of Europe was be denuded of people by now. Japan is experiencing a net negative growth in her people.
One place where people are really vanishing is in Russia. Between disease, alcoholism and repression her people are dying off. I don't think that this was what Marx had in mind at all 160 years ago when he spoke of ending the exploitation of man by man, but the cultural remnants of Marxism continue their mischief in Russia.
One can debate endlessly about "carbon footprint" or analogues in other scarce resources causing a population multiplier effect for industrialized nations. The point is that wealth does not equal gains in population.
Where we see Malthusian growth is where there is poverty, energy scarcity and often political repression and kleptocracy. Since you lack energy to automate and the ability to build equity for your old age you have children. They are your insurance against destitution in old age.
Making people poorer with artificial rationing, bureaucratic solutions and stealing the fruits of their labor seems to me to invite them to go back to that age old solution - big families. No, so far we have not seen this effect in places like Russia or the rest of Europe but I suspect it will happen somewhere.