So I had a 200 mile drive today (which is why I didn't do the one tank of gas challenge contest thinger

), and before I left I added some bits of yarn.
For those wondering how to do it..... Here's some tips
* Pick a tuft color for good contrast (black and yellow in my case).
* Try to follow some sort of grid for placement with lines following what you think the air will do.
* Try to avoid tangles. If you expect an area will cause the strands to whip around, make sure there's enough clearance between each strand to prevent entanglement

I added a few more after this picture - and a couple long ones near the hood trailing edge to watch the hood<-->glass flow interaction/transition.

Adjusted Rear:
45mph Hood:

Nice and straight.
45mph Glass:

Also nice and straight.
More coming in a flash, including results from drafting a semi o.0