Hi, I just wanted to show some photos I took of my Insight last winter. Basically, it snowed lightly and the car was parked between trees for a bit of a "tunnel" effect. 40+ MPH winds blew all night (from the front) and left this pattern in the snow.
1) I moved the car to the sun to get better shots.
2) The snow was light and fluffy and you could blow it away with your lungs if you really tried.
The interesting thing was seeing where the snow didn't buffet away the snow.
John Waiveris -
www.invisiblegold.com -
2001 Honda Insight 5sp
66 Lifetime MPG
84MPG 1000 miles GA to CT (one tank)
Tour De Sol 2006 - 93.7 mpg day 1 - 80.1 mpg day 2