on the vectra i used the lids of two spindles of CD-r's just cut the top of and trough the side and unrolled them and than screwed to the plastic liners of the front wheels, the front of the rear wheel arches however is all metal (wich is the spot where a lot of these cars rusted beyond saveing...)
here's the front deflectors on the vec

along with the test untertray

gave them a shot of black paint form the back, and since they're transparent that gives the font a shiny black look that can't be sandblasted of as happened on the kadett.
they don't shield much of the tire but they do keep air away from the suspenttion link and the wheel well cavity, wich i think might be more important.
i'm considering enlarging them as they might work better if they where bigger, but i think i'll refine my undertray first. also too small will still save gas (or do nothing at wosed.... to big will waste gas as it adds drag over stock!)
do you have some pictures of what you made? would be nice to see , even if you think they're not right