I have this cargo separator/window protector screen, and I wonder if I can use it to my advantage for aerodynamic purposes. It can be anywhere in the bed, hanging into the bed or sticking up in the air, though I wouldn't want it up except when I need it that way for loading/protection purposes.
I usually have it in this position (about 14" behind the cab) to let me put small items directly behind the cab:
Right there, I think it probably has zero effect on aerodynamic drag. That area is a low-pressure area. Anything lightweight that I put there gets picked up, flies around behind the cab and sometimes settles back down, but never flies away and becomes litter (though I usually remember to secure that stuff just in case).
Any theories about the best thing I can do with it? Keep it where it is, put it halfway back, or put it ~14" from the tailgate?