OK... So technically these are people powered - but at least one is a hybrid human-electric In any case, here's some inspiration for aero design
^^ This one is a human-electric
^^2007 UCF HPV at the Bay Area Maker Faire - we scored 3rd overall
^^Go-One^3 has a human electric option
^^2007 UCF HPV ('bent trike) next to the 2006 Model (SWB bike)
^^Note the weird "fluffy" "goop" thing just above the windscreen - I have no clue as to what that is...
^^Goofy shape, but apparently has a very low cD (a trike goes in there)
^^Virtual Edge - no windows, uses a camera and LCD screen (not shown). He was going after the decimach prize...
Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.