(EDIT: preliminary results posted in thread below on Jul. 18.)
Come back, 95metro!
Originally Posted by 95metro

Well, there's a mockup of the adjusted spoiler/boattail. It only extends back the same distance as the rear bumper (but it could go maybe 6" over) and it shouldn't (knock on wood) impair vision through the mirror.
Spent about 45 minutes playing this afternoon. No, it's not tested yet, and was more of a design exercise than anything else for the moment. I may reinforce and test it if the right weather comes up in the next day or 3 (before it falls off/gets wet). Otherwise, it'll come off having served its purpose as a learning tool for how V 2.0 should look.
Constructive feedback welcome!

Above: what this crappy picture from my antique 1 MP camera intended to show was that Metro95 was right: it doesn't seriously obscure rear vision. The boat-tail cuts of 1/5 of the rear window view, and though you can't tell from this photo, the horizon on level ground is just
below the "roof", so full visibility is retained of following traffic.