Originally Posted by SteadFastStylee
In one sense it almost seemed as if to create an improvement similar to the golf ball thing you would need to do it on a correct scale(larger dimples) and near the rear of the vehicle....
Speaking intuitively... Take a look at nature
Sharks have dermal denticles (I think that's the right term) - which makes their skin sand paper like; I think on a shark it's called a placiod scale (if you care to search). The shape varies from specie to specie (I'm fairly certain it's a way to identify different species) - but one purpose is that they create small vorticies to reduce drag. They are very small - you really can't see individual ones at all
Now, speaking from something I saw at the San Francisco Maker Faire....
Look at the tail end dimples
I can't say if they help or not though... but it sure looks cool
Oh, and I forgot to mention in my water tunnel picture post earlier.... I don't have a picture (batteries died)... But, tennis ball fuzz has a very similar purpose to golf ball dimples... While not as effective, there was a clear benefit over a "fuzzless" ball
Anyone up for covering their car in some low pile carpet?