Originally Posted by red91sit
It might be worth looking into, as the other day a newer BMW shot by running the long yellow European plates, I have no idea how that can possibly be legal, or why he would go to jail over something useless, or if there is some license plate loophole.
What state was this in?
I just know that putting plates on any vehicle other then what they were supposed to go on is apparently fraud, just like putting your photo on someone else's drivers license, some states don't require license plates on the front, but most do.
I could see how if you were a resident of another country and had enough money to either bring your own car here, or buy a car here, but didn't have any leagle way to license it, because you were not a resident here, you could have other plates on your vehicle, simaler to how I've seen cars driving around that have plates from Hawaii... they didn't drive them here.
But either way, if you screw around with your plates to much you are going to draw unwanted attention, so why bother?