I'm not a fan of the ABS my explorer has.
Maybe I just don't know how to use it correctly?
I'm used to just slamming on my breaks in the Buick ... and although my tires lock up, I've never been "out of control" and stop in a relatively short distance. I only pump if I need to turn.
The Explorer... gah. I have to say, the ABS helped me avoid MANY accidents the past 3 winters I've had the vehicle. Mainly cars suddenly stopping without using their turn signal. I'd slam on my breaks, ABS kicks in... then I have to end up hopping the curb onto the sidewalk and end up sliding past the rear half of their vehicle. With the buick, that's never happened, I always stopped in time.
... yea... it's off topic ... but with ABS, do you still "pump" the breaks, just not as fast? ... and, I assume slamming on the brakes with ABS extends your stopping distance rather than just pushing the brakes hard, but not "slammed"?
I've learned that putting it in neutral when ABS kicks on helps a LOT in reducing stopping distance, because the drivetrain isn't still trying to go while the ABS doesn't have the brakes on.
As for snow tires... I just looked it up too. It's surprising to me, the speed rating of them for my car is 112. Hrm. Going 55mph or under with them is, well... essentially hearsay. Every person I've met up here that has snow tires is strong in believing you can't go over 55mph with them, some in recent years have even had them start to smell like they were melting after highway speeds (70mph). Or maybe the tire places up here only sell low-speed winter tires because no place in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan has a speed limit above 55mph. *shrugs*. That's interesting to know.
But, right now the buick has the Goodyear triple-tread tires. I had these on a 2001 cavalier (temp. car for 6 mo's while buick was being fixed after accident). They were amazing on that cavalier, especially in winter. So, came time for new tires this past summer on the Buick, and I got those. My old tires were cracking, so returned them under warranty and got the triple treads. ...I asked the tire place downstate (DiscountTire) if there were any LRR tires for my car, and there's none

at least that they could find, so got triple treads.