I have done some recent aero mods to my metro and wanted to see what you thought. I haven't figured out a good way to post quality pics into a thread so I'll have to direct you to my garage pics

. I think I have the theory behind the kammback design but may lack in execution of the concept. I had a little trouble with symmetry (one side didn't want to bend the same as the other)and don't have an angle finder so I had to get creative. I was shooting for between 10 and 15 degrees on the top part and just bent the sides down with no real goal on angle (just not too much).
The kammback is coroplast and the half skirts are in the cardboard stage and will probably end up being full skirts. It is hard to get the curves required for full skirts

Also wanted to ask if I am bad for using GasSavers.org on a homemade bumper sticker?
Best tank= 81.23 mpg on july 1st 2008