Originally Posted by trebuchet03
I like how the driver compartment looks, much like this style of small helicopter:

Although, what about the engine? Is is midengined? I think a midengine design would be good in the absence of a load (i.e. handling). It seems if the driver position could be variable in height further gains would be possible (It appears unnecessary to be so high up all the time, and a midlevel position looks optimal to influence the downwind airflow of the cargo).
Again, I like the looks of this and assume the crash characteristics (materials) prevent its construction.
Aerodynamics of trucks should of come along much further than it has, it seems the box styling has move into overall passenger vehicles unfortunately.
I saved a pdf entitled "Aerodynamic drag of heavy vehicles (class 7-8): simulation and benchmarking." It includes testing of a small boattail. I think a clear inflatable "bladder" that has an
optimized shape would work well for a semi trailer rear.
If I recall correctly, long ago on Discovery channel's beyond 2000, the dead space between the driver cab and the cargo box was proposed to be shortened during transit (at speed) and extended at low speeds to allow turning.
Originally Posted by Dynamically Aero
It is disappointing to see their use of the aerosol wand at such low air speeds. I want to see the truck aerodynamics in use at the intended airspeed.
This (Click
link) was something recent also on semitrailer tires that may add to discussion.