Originally Posted by brelandt
I like they way they fit.
My only concern though is this.
Since they taper down to a point and do not actually cover the entire width of the tires will they help?
Can't wait to find out. Keep up on the updates.
I work at a small lumber yard and hardware store. Lots of valley flashings and 5 gallon buckets. Makes me daydream all day long on what I could use to aero mod my Sidekick.
I was thinking the same thing but it is such a good idea that I am keeping watch at all of the Big Lots and Plasti-crap stores for a bucket (in white, the color of my car) that is the width of a tire. I have been looking at wedge shaped dust pans too, but I have never found "the right one". You actually need a "blocky" looking dust pan instead of a curvy/swoopy one.
Alternatively, I am thinking about a durable "spongy" wedge shape that I cover in thin plastic sheeting. The idea is that it will deform easily if I come up too close to a curb, but will maintain it's shape at speed. I know it would work from two angles, but I can't resolve how to cover the side view gracefully, the side that everyone sees.