Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Oo! That reminds me:
A friend of mine covered his velomobile with the sturdy shrink wrap plastic that boat yards use. There are bales and bales of that stuff thrown out every spring when the boats are uncovered, around here anyway. I picked up some for him to re-use.

Bad news everbody, I have been investigating further with our local marina and it may be difficult to recycle/reuse boat wrap.

The good news is that we now have the stats and colors available... although the clear may not be
optically clear
I have been experimenting with window/patio door shrink film for visibility reasons.
Boat Shrink Wrap
This film is a heavy duty shrink polyethylene available stock in BLUE, WHITE, or CLEAR in 6 MIL and 7 MIL, from 12 feet wide to 36 feet wide. This film is commonly used to shrink wrap boats during the winter in cold weather areas. Other applications would be any large item that would be exposed to the weather in warm or cold conditions. All films have UVI protection (ultraviolet inhibitor) to prevent the polyethylene from breaking down from exposure to ultraviolet rays. It also has EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) added to the film to keep the polyethylene soft and flexible in sub-freezing temperatures. Shrink wrap tape is available for seaming sheeting together. Boat Shrink Wrap is applied by draping the sheet over the boat and by applying heat with a hand held propane powered heat gun. This film is a one use application.